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Planeten-Expedition (Ukrainien Version)

di01okt18:00Planeten-Expedition (Ukrainien Version)An adventurous journey suitable for adults and children from around 10 years of age18:00 Osnabrück | Museum am Schölerberg (Planetarium), Klaus-Strick-Weg 12 VeranstalterMuseum am SchölerbergKATEGORIEFamilie & Kind,SonstigesEintritt:KUKUK-Tickets at the box office (Planetarium + Museum am Schölerberg), children and people under 18 years admission free | Reservation requested: 0541 323-7000 or


This show takes us on an exciting sightseeing tour through the solar system. Fully automated space probes have explored Mars, Jupiter and Saturn with their moons and discovered many exciting things. Today, we can imagine what astronauts can expect when they one day will visit these celestial bodies. Experience an adventurous journey to the natural wonders of our solar system as realistically as possible.

The show is a joint production of 19 planetariums from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The Planetarium Osnabrück is one of these partners. The 50-minute show was written and produced over the course of two years.



KUKUK-Tickets at the box office (Planetarium + Museum am Schölerberg), children and people under 18 years admission free | Reservation requested: 0541 323-7000 or