Super­massive Black Holes – Uncovering The Invisible (English Version)

di11mär18:00Super­massive Black Holes – Uncovering The Invisible (English Version)Spektakular animations in an immersive fulldome format (suitable for adults and childrens from around 10 years of age)18:00 Osnabrück | Museum am Schölerberg (Planetarium), Klaus-Strick-Weg 12 VeranstalterMuseum am SchölerbergKATEGORIEFamilie & Kind,SonstigesEintritt:KUKUK-Tickets at the box office (Planetarium + Museum am Schölerberg), children and teenager under 18 Jahre free | Reservation requested: call 0541 323-7000 or mail to


Black holes are the most bizzare objects in the cosmos. They are found as stellar black holes, but also as supermassive black holes in the center of galaxies. The show explains how black holes form, how they influence their environment and how they can be observed. Recent observations and state-of-the-art numerical simulations are presented.


KUKUK-Tickets at the box office (Planetarium + Museum am Schölerberg), children and teenager under 18 Jahre free | Reservation requested: call 0541 323-7000 or mail to